Get Ready For The Roaring Twenties

Nathan Clark
5 min readDec 2, 2020
The COVID-19 Vaccine

Even as the United States faces a 2nd wave of the novel coronavirus, the end to the pandemic is within sight. Pfizer and Moderna both have recently applied for emergency FDA authorization for their highly effective COVID 19 vaccines. Initally, experts assumed that the best case scenario would be a 70% effective vaccine. They were wrong. Now, we have two 95%+ effective COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines that will bring an end to the pandemic and help us get back to normalcy. We may be back to complete normalcy by the 3rd quarter of 2021. What does this all mean? It means that we will soon be in a post-pandemic era that will lead to unprecdented economic growth, a socialization revival, and a unforeseen baby boom. It may be hard to envision it now, but get ready. We are about to enter into the Roaring 20s.

A Revolutionary Socialization Revival

Many claim that COVID-19 will bring in a permanent new era of work from home. There will defintely still be more people working from home post-pandemic than pre-pandemic. However, I argue that many people will be desperate to get back into the office. People used to dread having to drive into the office everyday, and trying to create awkward small-talk at the water cooler. After the pandemic, people will be rushing to get back into the office. People will have a drive to work collaboratively. Instead of going right home after work, people will go the local bar with their co-workers and truly have a real conversation. People won’t take for granted anymore the moments with people where they truly connected. People won’t stay home on Friday nights. Instead, after being locked up for nearly a year, they will rush out to the bars, nightclubs, and streets. A new party culture will emerge, and if you thought the hookup culture pre-pandemic was intense, just wait until after the pandemic. People will scramble to form real connections with people again. As many people as possible. The human spirit will be invigorated with a mad rush to expand social circles, and embrace party life. People will treasure the small moments. Laughter filling a restaurant. Whispers before the beginning of a movie theatre. A kiss with a new love. The post pandemic period will embark a new era of humans appreciating what’s truly human. Nothing the past year has been human. We are meant to communicate with others. We are meant to see others. We are meant to experiment with others. The roaring 20s will feature an unbelievable nightlife. An unbelievable rebirth of humanity. An unbelievable embrace of the human experience once again.

A crowded bar

Prepare for the Baby Boom

Contrary to what many have said, the pandemic hasn’t led to a baby boom. In fact, it’s lead to a baby bust. Who would want to have a child in this world right now? According to The Atlantic, there will nearly be 300,000 to 500,000 fewer births in the year 2021 due to the chaos of the pandemic. It’s possible that people may be having more sex this year due to the boredom, but that doesn’t mean more children. Less couples are trying for kids this year, because its a crazy time and the future is uncertain. However, in the post pandemic period, I predict that there will be a huge surge in births. People who were delaying having children, will begin trying again in a revitalized world. People will want to bring children into the new world, especially due to the socialization rebirth. The world post-pandemic will be hopeful, and be quite suitable for children. People will rush to have children during the roaring 20s. After the craziness of the last year, people will settle down and cement their relationships and have children. Also, delayed marriages will occur in the next year, which will then lead to children. The baby boom prediction during the shutdowns has turned out to be a bust. The baby boom after the pandemic won’t be a bust however.

A Baby

Economic Revival

Even though the economy is terrible right now due to government mandated shutdowns, the future looks hopeful. Due to my prediction of a socilization revival, the restaurant industry will boom. The travel industry will boom as well, as people will embark on long delayed vacations. People won’t waste their time withering away at home. They will spend more of their discretionary income than ever before, therefore stimulating the economy. The baby boom during the roaring 20s will result in more people, which will lead to further economic growth. People will likely travel more than ever before as they enjoy their new freedom from the pandemic. Restaurants will be full. Movie theatres will be full. Hotels will be full. People will no longer delay the joys in life. Furthermore, people will abandon their pelotons and exercise equipment they have at home. Instead, people will flee to the gym to see others. This will create a vibrant gym culture again, which will lead to more jobs. When people crave socialization, as they will in the roaring 20s, the economy will grow further. They will go out and enjoy themselves. Furthermore, since the government shutdowns will be over, the economy will rocket upwards and reach unprecedented growth. The post covid economy will see a great reneweal of America’s economic might, and that will ensure the 20s are indeed roaring.

The Post-Covid Era

The last 10 months have been challenging, and we have all been frustrated. I have been frustrated with restrictions and not being able to do all the things I want to do. We all want this to end. However, I know that very soon, I will be able to do those things again. I know that I will likely do those things more than I did before the pandemic, as the pandemic has made me realize how wonderful certain experiences are. I will rush to pack into concerts and stadiums again, as I miss the sound of a cheering crowd. I will never turn down a party invite again, as I realize how important and fulfilling those moments are. I will embrace socialization and enrich myself in the human spirit. While the tunnel may be dark now, we are rapidly reaching light. Light that is the brightest it ever has been. A new era is within reach.

-Nathan Clark



Nathan Clark

Political junkie. I am left leaning, and believe in electing Democrats up and down the ballot.